January 20, 2021

Winter 2021: Get Involved


Ready to reconnect? Join us for DiscoveryBound Outreach virtual game nights, Adventure Unlimited’s virtual fundraiser, Youth Camp 2021 and lots more!


Join us

Join us at more DB Outreach and A/U Ranches virtual events this spring

Have your kids/grandkids/nieces/nephews/Sunday School students join us

Work with us at the A/U Ranches

How will you spend your summer? Consider applying for a seasonal staff position at the A/U Ranches.

 Plan an event with us 

  • Plan a virtual camp show after online-church or Sunday School with us: email [email protected] 
  • Plan your small-group family reunion, wedding or corporate meeting through 100 Elk Events
  • Plan a game night for your local CS community with the help of DB’s Outreach Managers: email [email protected] 

Shop with us

  • Check out our new A/U Ranches online store selling apparel for youth and adults, mugs and more!

Invest in us 

  • Make a difference all year for youth with a monthly gift: Adventure Partner
  • We invite you to become a part of The Andrews Society today and help us meet our Annual Fund goal
  • Make a powerful investment in the future of A/U Ranches and DiscoveryBound youth by including Adventure Unlimited in your estate: Join the Summit Society

Volunteer with us 

Connect with us (and each other)

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