September 9, 2011

Why I Contribute to A/U


Sarah Neale Rand

Sarah Neale RandMy name is Sarah Neale Rand and I currently live in Washington DC – a place known for politicking, traffic, humidity and now earthquakes. I work for a trade association, helping develop internet and digital strategies that support the retail industry’s research, education, and (of course) lobbying efforts.

Growing up in a very small Christian Science Sunday School, I’d always assumed there were very few Christian Scientists in my generation. I was thrilled to be proven wrong in my experiences with the A/U Ranches and Chapters.

What makes A/U unique is it offers a combination of challenging adventures with the support of an entire community. It’s hard to imagine camp without that loving community behind it expecting and receiving so much from its campers in terms of accomplishments and growth. That applies to both spiritual and physical growth. It’s the perfect environment for gleaning more of the divine while guiding a rapid in the river, bringing a horse you’ve cared for during the last 2 weeks to a full gallop, or finally conquering the hardest climb at Turtle Rocks.

I choose to give to A/U because it’s important. Because my story isn’t unique. Because you can’t help but grow at camp. And I’m going to support those that come after me. The only reason I was able to go to camp my first year was because there was financial aid available to supplement my costs. I fell in love with A/U that year and never hesitated to go back each summer, knowing I’d be a better person for it. I think about the loving and generous people who had contributed and made A/U possible for me that first year. I will always be grateful for them. And for that reason, even if it’s a year that I can’t give much, I will always do what I can to make A/U possible for the next generation of campers.


Laurel Terry

Laurel TerryAdventure Unlimited and DiscoveryBound provide the opportunity for fellowship outside of church, which helps maintain branch churches’ pure, Manual-based focus.

DiscoveryBound’s Chapter activities, Camp at the A/U the Ranches, and the National Leadership Council classes promote Mrs. Eddy’s “life-purpose–to impress humanity with the genuine recognition of practical, operative Christian Science” (Misc. Writings 207: 4-6). There is not another non-profit organization that has blessed my life more than Adventure Unlimited!


If you are interested in donating to Adventure Unlimited and any of its programs, you can do so with our convenient online giving or checks can be mailed to: Adventure Unlimited, 5201 S. Quebec St., Greenwood Village, CO 80111. You invite you to contact our Foundation President, James Woodley, if you have questions, to discuss our details needs or should you be interesed in Planned Giving options.


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