Where Are They Now? – Alumni Profiles
Charlie & Debbe Milliser
After teaching physical education, weight training and art for 32 years, Charlie Milliser (’72-74, rafting), now has time for his wood-carving passion. He’s been sculpting and carving for over ten years and also teaches classes on carving human faces in the Denver area. The memories of his grandfather who made birdhouses is kindled as his equipment was Charlie’s start. Along with his twin daughters Jessica and Jenai, who attended camp in the early 90’s, Charlie is an avid rock climber. He’s always looking for climbing buddies if you’re in the Denver area.
Debbe Milliser (’73-74 tennis) supervises student teachers for Regis University and teaches education classes for University of Phoenix.
Feel free to email the Millisers or visit their website: http://www.woodnink.com.
Ryan Wallace
I’m still down here in the deep South – presently at McMurdo Station south of New Zealand. I’m finishing up a 12 month contract this time around, and am really looking forward to the long winter ending in just over a month! This was my ninth Antarctic season, and this recent contract, I’ve been working as a Field Coordinator and the Winter Supervisor for the Berg Field Center (or BFC for short). At the BFC, we maintain and issue all of the field equipment used by the science grantees coming down here on grants from the National Science Foundation. In the summer time, we also spend a lot of time in the field helping the scientists with their camps.
It’s been a terrific, fun gig, and I got to see some really neat parts of the continent this past year. After this, and a good long break, I’m looking to return back to the Peninsula side of the continent to work on one of our two science vessels as a Marine Technician or back at Palmer Station where I worked as the Boating Coordinator for several years. But at least for a while after this gig, my sole priority will be grabbing my bikes and other toys and chasing down summer somewhere around the world and seeing friends and family.
Feel free to email Ryan.
Chelsea Lane-Miller
Chelsea fell in love with rivers while spending her summers rafting on the Arkansas at A/U. Since then, she has turned her love for rivers into an academic and career focus, studying large dams in Chile, the water industry in England, and working for American Rivers in Washington, DC. She most recently returned from a year living in Adelaide, Australia where she traveled to study water policy on a Fulbright scholarship. After finishing her master’s in environmental law and policy at Vermont Law School this summer (and getting married!), she will start working for the law school in the fall, looking for ways to make water policy in the western US more sustainable for rivers and communities. She plans to return to Colorado to continue working on water policy and be closer to the mountains and rivers she fell in love with at camp.
Feel free to email Chelsea.
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