Update for Alumni: Celebrating the Good from Summer
By Michael Brown, Executive Director
It’s tempting to focus on the amount of change that’s occurred over these last few months at Adventure Unlimited. As the new executive director, I’ve been just one of several new staff members to join our stalwart crew across all parts of our organization, after all.
But while freshness of thought and new ideas are certainly worth celebrating, I’ve also been struck by the steady and persistent continuity of good that defines Adventure Unlimited through all the activities of the A/U Ranches (including the 100 Elk Outdoor Center) and DiscoveryBound (DB).
We have been cherishing this year’s metaphysical theme, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (I Peter 4:10 ESV). We recognize ourselves as stewards who nurture and share with others this amazing gift – God’s love and care for each of us. The batons have been passed, and we are off and running!
And what a summer it’s been! We’re celebrating so much:
- A vibrant season of Youth Camp at the A/U Ranches, where campers built meaningful connections with each other and with their practice of Christian Science.
- Harmonious DB National Leadership Council (NLC) trips in California, Alaska and Costa Rica, where teens dug deeper into learning servant leadership and active prayer in fun and challenging settings.
- Impactful programs through the 100 Elk Outdoor Center, where kids from diverse backgrounds have left with a greater sense of life without limitations.
- Amazing family and adult programs at the A/U Ranches, where folks of all ages get to come to camp, play a little, enjoy spiritual refreshment and reconnect with family and friends.
- Two DB Outreach 20s/30s groups exploring Iceland together after a three-year delay.
Our hearts overflow with gratitude for the good these programs (and others) are doing. Here are just a few of the responses we received recently:
Over the course of the summer, I have been constantly reminded that God is in control…. This has been expressed by campers when they are trying something new, or staff when they are working through something. I’ve learned to trust in God unconditionally. – A/U Ranches seasonal staff member
I am walking away from Ignite with a new perspective on my personal relationship to Christian Science… as well as many new friends. – DB Ignite participant
I also had the opportunity to grow in a lot of ways. With all our activities I grew athletically, being with my class I grew closer to my peers, and throughout the whole trip I grew spiritually. During the trip I noticed that more and more I turned to God when faced with difficulties. Thank you again for giving me the privilege to go on this trip. I’m immensely grateful. – DB NLC teen
As we look forward to a rich fall and winter full of more great events and opportunities to come together as an Adventure Unlimited community, I invite you to join us in whatever ways you can. Your support and engagement as alumni is both felt and appreciated! Whether through your prayerful support, your financial contributions, your joyful presence at a DB Outreach event or Christmas Camp, or even a phone call or email to a fellow alum, you are part of “Opening Windows to God.” Thank you!
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