Three Women, One Week and Lots of Memories
By Daryl Leonard, Joanne Leonard & Soozie Bul
Mini Camp offers a rejuvenating getaway for adults to connect with family and friends – both new and old – for a few days at the beautiful A/U Ranches. In the account that follows, three women in the same family share impressions of their first Mini Camp.
“Let’s go on a vacation,” Joanne said to her sister.
“The A/U Ranches is having an Adult Mini Camp – how about that?” Daryl replied.
Two sisters and a cousin had never been on a vacation together as adults, but the common denominator of horses at the A/U Ranches sounded good.
Soozie said to her cousins, “If you guys go, I will, too.”
All three of us went to the A/U Ranches as kids, and two of us were counselors. It had been 48 years since we’d been back, and when we arrived at camp, the feeling was like coming home – only better. No cooking, cleaning or deciding what to do (well, there was some of that).
Joanne, Daryl and Soozie relaxing during their week at Adult Mini Camp
There was so much to choose from: Two of us participated in the advanced horsemanship program, and one of us picked and chose activities daily. The flexibility of the staff allowing us to formulate our days together was incredible.
Beyond wonderful activities, we experienced unwinding in a casual setting with like-minded people; sharing our journeys and experiences using Christian Science; and meeting new friends, old friends and the professionals on the A/U Ranches’ staff – it was incredible how great they are!
Memories were made, cherished friendships developed, new perspectives opened, incredible views enjoyed, and the weather… it was a wonderful break from Texas and Florida! But most importantly, the three of us bonded and had so much fun together in our various activities all week.
Calling all corral alumni: Next year join us for a Wrangler Reunion that will be part of Mini Camp, August 20-26, 2018! Get a head start on your summer planning – learn more and contact us to reserve your spot.
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