The In-between Time
By Lane Brown, National Alumni Board
There are snow showers some days, other days sunshine and warmth to melt it away. Most of the country enjoys joyful peeks at spring in between leftover patches of winter. Now it is the in-between time, when we begin to think about warmer days, adventures ahead of us, perhaps recalling memories of backpacking trips, paddling on the river or riding horses to campsites high in the evergreens.
Summer at camp is a time for relaxation, renewal and receiving inspiration. Summers seem to be perfectly suited for this kind of nourishment, when school is out, sport seasons subside and kids and parents enjoy simpler schedules for a precious few months.
Getting rejuvenated at Youth Camp
When done right, a period of weeks during the summer can refresh us for a long time after we leave camp. But around this point in the winter, during the in-between time, as schedules seem to speed up and calendars fill, we might need a little extra helping of the nourishment that camp brings.
Camp serves as the perfect setting each summer to enjoy unlimited spiritual growth and adventures, but these experiences are not limited to one location or a time of year. The in-between time is when the lessons inside and outside of camp come together, when we look ahead to summer days and also celebrate the spiritual growth that stems from the year-round activities of Adventure Unlimited.
DiscoveryBound (DB) Outreach events in cities around the country reinforce the fellowship of camp that reminds us we are part of a community of healers, connected by limitless possibilities and learning about our divine nature.
It’s a beautiful thing when a lesson learned or friendship forged at camp is found again outside the beauty of the A/U Ranches – perhaps during a ski trip in Berkshires, a family camping weekend in Florida or any of the other events coming up this spring for teens in locations around the country.
Relaxing in Jetty Park
Recently, the A/U Ranches welcomed teens, mentors and parents currently involved in the four-year DiscoveryBound National Leadership Council program for its annual All Class Retreat. (There are two classes for each year of high school.) For a few days, the group dug into what it means to live generously – an idea that’s serving as the theme for all of Adventure Unlimited’s programs this year.
Reconnecting at the DiscoveryBound National Leadership Council All Class Retreat
In addition, leadership staff from the A/U Ranches and DiscoveryBound have been meeting with groups and families across the country to talk about Youth Camp and DB activities, share the cool videos from camp and DiscoveryBound, and sign up kids for these exciting activities (click here to see if there’s a gathering in your area). Watching these videos takes us right back into our own DB and camp experience, even if we’re watching from home!
On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat, you’ll spot #infor18 posts from the A/U Ranches to celebrate adventures to come at Youth Camp. You can also keep up with DiscoveryBound through its social media channels to see what’s happening with DB all year. So while the summer is yet a few months away, we can still be connected, right in this moment.
Just as we look for those patches of green and the new growth of spring, let’s enjoy the growth during the in-between time. Find the DiscoveryBound activities near you, connect with the A/U-DB Alumni Facebook Group, or share the A/U Ranches video with a friend who will enjoy the reminder that the spirit of camp is never far away.
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