A/U Ranches

Prayerful, Practical Care Brings Healing for Maverick


Healing happens for everyone at the A/U Ranches – including the herd. When one of the horses at the A/U Ranches was injured last spring, the new horse care barn provided a practical and supportive place to facilitate the healing.

Horsemanship director Lachlan Clarke had just finished feeding the horses when he noticed that one of them, Maverick, was standing by himself, not interested in eating and being with the others. 

“If you know Maverick, this is not characteristic of him,” says Linda Clarke, the A/U Ranches’ enrollment manager and horsewoman. “He loves his hay, and he has his own group of horse friends that he hangs out with.”

Lachlan found what appeared to be a significant injury to Maverick’s front leg. He called Linda, who in turn called a Christian Science practitioner for prayer. 

“We prayed with a number of ideas, including this one from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (p. 514): ‘All of God’s creatures, moving in the harmony of Science, are harmless, useful, indestructible,’” Linda says.

With a little coaxing, Maverick walked to the care barn, where they cleaned him up. They also called a veterinarian used for horses at the A/U Ranches that have injuries needing more nursing attention.

“The vet has witnessed many healings of horses here at the Ranches, and she lovingly does the nursing care but will also give us her assessment of the situation,” Linda says. “After she did the appropriate care, she told us she was not optimistic about his recovery and she felt as though unless she did X-rays, she couldn’t tell us for sure.”

They thanked her and declined the X-rays, agreeing to have her return in a few days to continue the nursing care. Maverick stayed in one of the care barn’s stalls with lots of fresh shavings and made himself at home. Lach and Linda continued to pray, finding inspiration in Colossians 1:16: 

For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

When the vet came back, she was surprised that he was so peaceful in the stall without other horses. She was also surprised and happy to see that he was walking more freely and that one of the injuries, which didn’t need nursing care, was not as swollen or tender. 

After another visit and seeing his continued progress, the vet felt the A/U Ranches staff could handle Maverick’s nursing care and call her if there was a need. 

Lachlan continued with the nursing care, and the practitioner continued to work. There were incremental proofs of progress along the way: Maverick stopped trying to take off the bandages, less area needing bandaging, he had more freedom of movement, he was able to be outside in a pen with another horse, and he had a much brighter demeanor and a bounce in his step. Eventually, the healing was complete.

“God is good and we are so grateful,” Linda says. “We are also grateful to have this amazing barn to take care of horses with a challenge, and be able to administer the nursing care needed.”

A number of features in the barn were key in Maverick’s care: A warm, dry indoor stall allowed him to be quiet and comfortable and lie down when needed; nursing care supplies were at hand; and the hot water and wash rack allowed for cleaning the area out of the weather.

“On the warmer days we opened the half door to the outside. He loved sticking his head out to watch the other horses,” Linda recalls. “It was all significant to his healing in Christian Science.”

Horse Care Barn

About The A/U Ranches

The A/U Ranches, located in Buena Vista, Colorado, are a cornerstone of Adventure Unlimited’s programming. The supportive and inspiring atmosphere cultivates confidence and develops moral courage for Christian Science youth, adults and families. Activities are offered year-round, including a secular community outreach program, 100 Elk, which serves diverse schools and groups.

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