DiscoveryBound, Outreach, Parents

Child’s Healing During Winter Weekend

Samantha, left

Dear DiscoveryBound Donors,

I’d like to share my deep gratitude for your selfless giving. My family was able to attend the Winter Weekend at the A/U Ranches… due to your generous donations.

It was mine and my daughter’s first time at the Ranches, and my husband hadn’t been there since he was in high school. Our daughter (age 9) was very much looking forward to snow, and she was not disappointed! We all had great fun building snow forts with tunnels and slides, snow shoeing, rock climbing, and making rockets.

One of my favorite moments, though, was when our daughter very actively participated in the [Christian Science practitioner] talk Saturday morning. She really enjoyed hearing from Bobby [Lewis] – so much so that when she wasn’t feeling well on Sunday, she asked us to call him so he could pray for her. Both my husband and I grew up in CS, but I never thought about asking my parents to call a practitioner for me if I wasn’t feeling well. I would talk to my mom about it, and maybe she would call a practitioner if she felt the need. So, I’m so happy to know that she understands what practitioners are, and how willing she is to call on one.

Thank you again for your giving. It allows so many to come together and learn more about God, and how to use Christian Science in your daily lives. What a unique experience!

– Samantha

Many DB Outreach participants receive financial assistance to experience weekend programs like the one in Colorado. You can support these trips with your gift today.

Bobby Lewis giving a talk at the DiscoveryBound Outreach Colorado Winter Weekend

About DiscoveryBound Outreach

DiscoveryBound Outreach is a community program that provides local activities for all ages, regional retreats and national teen weekends for Christian Scientists and their friends.

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