April 21, 2022

Program Update: DiscoveryBound and the A/U Ranches

By Gina Lindquist-Bailey, Executive Director

We’re excited for this summer’s activities, and hope you are, too. Here’s what’s happening with our 2022 programming.

DiscoveryBound (DB) Compass just completed their third and final retreat in Boston and will wrap up the current group in May. When asked, “What did you learn this weekend?” these were some of the responses:

“I learned how globalized and connected Christian Science is with everything. I had no idea that the movement was so impactful and far reaching.”

“That the Mother Church does care about me more than just as a member.”

“I learned a sense of peace.”

Registration is now open for the next group, and we plan to pilot a similar program for college students in the fall. 

DB Outreach has continued to provide online and in-person programming, hosting six in-person events and 16 virtual ones since the beginning of February. Join us for upcoming activities.

Families enjoyed the annual DB Outreach weekend in Jetty Park, FL this spring.

100 Elk Outdoor Center welcomed schools back to the A/U Ranches for our spring season and is glad to be running a full slate of programming, with five schools served to-date. 

Staff at the A/U Ranches are now ramping up for summer programming: three weeks of training, six weeks of summer Youth Camp, three weeks of Family Camp, two weeks of Youth Adventure Day Camp and one week of Mini Camp with the Mountaineering Reunion to end the summer season. Hope you can join us! (If you only have a couple of days, we’d love to have you spend Memorial Day weekend with us getting the A/U Ranches ready for summer: Spring Service Weekend.)

Each of these programs continues to follow local Covid-19 guidelines, which have decreased since last summer. As of this writing, summer programs at the A/U Ranches will operate with indoor cohorts for bunkhouses and meals, and an all-camp interactive model for outdoor activities.

Also coming up in late June into July are six DB National Leadership Council summer experiences: orientation summer at the A/U Ranches, adventure trips to the Northeast (including Boston and Maine) and service trips to Alaska and Mexico.

We look forward to the reports of blessings that come from all of these experiences. Adventure Unlimited’s 2022 metaphysical theme from Philippians 2:2 has grounded our prayer:

Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.

We invite you to pray with us to support all these programs.

Do you have a story to share about one of our recent programs? We’d love to hear it. Email us at [email protected].

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