September 19, 2024

Organizational Update: You Belong

By Michael Brown, Executive Director

Have you ever experienced the power of a personal connection when considering whether to try something new? How about the joy of being invited into a community and then welcomed like you were family? 

During a recent afternoon on horseback at the A/U Ranches, a guest shared with me how much it means to them to be greeted by the familiar “Welcome Home” sign on the green wagon at the entrance to the camps. Underneath this simple comment, I believe, was her appreciation for a deep sense of belonging, not just rooted in place, but rather in a shared idea and purpose – a community.

Reflecting on the last few months, I see so many examples of how community and connection have defined Adventure Unlimited and created experiences like these for countless program participants. 

Our DiscoveryBound (DB) Outreach team led a historic wagon adventure for adults, where friendships were forged along the Oregon Trail in Wyoming. 

Our new DB National Leadership Council classes came together for orientation summer and put the first few stones in the foundation of meaningful, lifelong relationships. 

Our DB Outreach Gaming for Good middle schoolers gathered throughout the summer in their own Minecraft realm to build and explore their digital world together. 

The 100 Elk Outdoor Center welcomed school groups from across the region to strengthen their bonds as classmates and grow together. 

And, of course, hundreds of youth, families, and adults came to the A/U Ranches for camp experiences, finding life-changing spiritual growth in this community where Christian Science is lived. 

DB Outreach 20s/30s in Cape Cod

Community and Connection

All this stands in contrast with a common story these days – that people feel more disconnected than ever. Despite the ease of communication and the mass-connection tools in each of our hands through phones and social media, many of us feel a sense of isolation or at least a hunger for more meaningful community. Can you sometimes relate to this?

If so, I think we can do something about that! One of our measures of success at Adventure Unlimited is whether staff and participants feel loved and valued in our programs. This is so important to us! And it’s all about community. 

As we take our first steps into our new strategic plan, in which we set out our vision for Adventure Unlimited in the coming years, one area of focus is how we can better connect with those we don’t see as often in our programs. We know there are folks who previously attended camp or DB Outreach events or are DB NLC graduates who value what we do but aren’t confident that we’re the place for them anymore. Or maybe someone’s heard of us and longs for the loving adventures we offer but isn’t sure if they have enough background in Christian Science. 

Maybe this is you or someone you know. If it is, we want you to know that you are not only welcome, but we have programs for you – such as Family & Adult Camp, Adult Mini Camp, DB Outreach, and DB 20s/30s – and you belong! 

And if you are planning to join one of our programs and know someone else who would be a good fit, please remember the power of that welcoming invitation, embrace that personal connection, and bring that someone along. We can’t wait to connect with you!

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