Living the Camp Spirit
By Richard Colarossi, National Alumni Board President
“Just think about ‘Whither,’” my 13 year old son told me when he was going to take a giant stride off the side of a dive boat. To be honest with you, I really didn’t understand what that meant at the time. We were completing our final dive that day to be certified scuba divers. Dive conditions were a little rough, and as a result, many of the divers were hesitant to jump.
Later that day, I asked him what he meant by his comment. He said the song they sing at A/U, “Whither,” states “…..dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.” He said he knew we were going to the uttermost parts of the sea and God would be there.” I was amazed he was able to apply, on his own, something he learned at youth camp to his everyday life. I began thinking about what else he was applying in Christian Science that he wasn’t telling me.
As alumni, there are many things we have incorporated into our lives that we learned at the A/U Ranches, a DiscoveryBound event, National Leadership Council or when volunteering our time for Adventure Unlimited and DiscoveryBound. Many of the lessons I learned at camp still have a big influence in my life today. It may be a camp song, inspiration shared before an activity, the simplicity of being “alone with your thoughts.” What’s refreshing and inspiring is hearing examples of campers living the camp spirit at home. This is the true essence of camp!
The Adventure Unlimited Alumni Association is growing. Over the past year, many alumni have asked me, “What is next after being a camper or a counselor at camp or after graduating from the National Leadership Council program?” There are many ways to stay connected with the organization. You can attend summer programs at the A/U Ranches including Adult/Family Ranching, Adult Base Camp and Cowboy/Cowgirl Camp. You can also volunteer to be a guest speaker or chaperone for DiscoveryBound or a mentor for a National Leadership Council (NLC) student.
Another way to support A/U and DiscoveryBound is by taking part in our new Alumni Matching Grant. Last year the number of alumni that gave to our organization doubled! This year another generous donor has agreed to match dollar-for-dollar any alumni that will set up an automatic monthly gift to A/U-DB. For example, if I set up an online reoccurring gift of $20 starting in September, I will have given $80 for this year. The $80 will be matched to make a $160 gift to AdventureUnlimited-DiscoveryBound. It’s simple – you can set up your recurring gift online or call the A/U-DB Headquarters at 888.416.7348 x107.
My life, like yours, is busy with work, family and many other activities. But we’ve made it easy for you to stay in touch– by joining our AU/DB Alumni Facebook Group. This is the best way to keep up-to-date on alumni activities. We would like to hear from YOU!
Feel free to contact any of the Alumni Board members with questions or ideas. We’re here to serve you! Please join me and the Board in supporting the future of Adventure Unlimited and DiscoveryBound!
Richard L. Colarossi
President, National Alumni Board (NAB)
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