Leadership Announcement
From the Adventure Unlimited Board of Trustees
“…divine unfoldment takes place as oneness, as allness.”
(“Being is Unfoldment,” Christian Science Journal, January 1941)
We’re grateful to share with you news of new leadership that has unfolded for the organization.
Last year, Gina Lindquist-Bailey, Adventure Unlimited’s executive director, shared with the Board of Trustees her desire to move on after 28 years of service. Gina’s contributions to the organization both as executive director for 12 years and, prior to that, as the DiscoveryBound field director, have been transformational, building on the success of her predecessors. She has had a profoundly positive impact on our organization and its thousands of participants, staff, volunteers and donors.
Additionally, and unrelated, Alison Peticolas felt led in the spring to announce her desire to resign from her position as ranch director after 19 years with the organization, during which she was instrumental in expanding, improving and nurturing programming for the A/U Ranches community.
Both individuals plan to embark on a generous training and transition period with their able replacements and will remain involved with the organization: Alison as the ropes course trainer and mentor to new directors, and Gina as a volunteer, mentor and philanthropic supporter.
The progress Adventure Unlimited has experienced under Gina’s and Alison’s stewardship is a special story that will be told another time. What we’re sharing now is the wonderful news of three individuals who have been hired to continue moving our organization forward.
New executive director
Michael Brown, currently a U.S. Navy chaplain, will be joining Adventure Unlimited in May 2023 as the new executive director, after he concludes his active-duty service with the military. Michael brings a wealth of experience in serving the cause of Christian Science through his chaplaincy work and as a representative of The Mother Church’s Committee on Publication. With more than a decade in military leadership and spiritual shepherding, Michael brings a unique mixture of masterful communication and mentorship. He has deep experience from this position nurturing and communicating with young people about their faith, including developing and teaching a class in spiritual fitness to Marines as part of their training and fitness for duty.
Michael has a Masters of Divinity from Boston University and a bachelor’s degree in religious studies from Principia College. He will move to Denver in the spring with his wife, Lane (currently Adventure Unlimited’s National Alumni Board chair), and their two children, Will and Ruth.
Michael says, reflecting on his experiences with the organization, “I truly believe that the model Adventure Unlimited has developed is not only a wonderful blessing of spiritually grounded camp and activities for individuals and families, but also an inspired concept of activity that fosters growth, leadership and uplifted thought for so many. It is so exciting to see all the ways in which this work is reaching people through camp, 100 Elk, DiscoveryBound, etc. It is deeply meaningful to us personally, and I believe it is an invaluable force for good reaching far and wide.”
New ranch directors
We are also happy to announce that Aaron and K.C. Morris have been hired as co-directors of the A/U Ranches. Moving to a couple as co-directors is an important and prayer-directed change from the single-director model. Living at the A/U Ranches is not new to Aaron and K.C., who started their marriage at camp when Aaron was the Round-Up camp director for four years and K.C. worked for the Boys & Girls Club in town. They are returning with their young sons, James and Henry, after a decade that has included Aaron’s pursuit of a Ph.D. in wildlife ecology and K.C.’s elementary teaching and instructional coaching career. Both have master’s degrees in education.
In their words, “We are excited about the opportunity to bring our strong sense of family to the A/U Ranches and for that sense of family to expand through new endeavors. Between the two of us, we come to camp joyfully with much to offer – dedication to the practical application of Christian Science to meet every need, leadership and mentoring experiences, loads of time facilitating formal and informal opportunities for young people to grow, success in managing people, technical skills, effective communication styles, big ideas, and two (different) senses of humor, among other things. The idea of serving camp feels important to us – and it is a service we will approach with great love for Adventure Unlimited and all that it has to give to the world.”
Leadership at the A/U Ranches is continuing on an intentional and practical schedule: Aaron has joined part time and will be full time in January 2023, with K.C. arriving on a three-quarter-time basis in February 2023 after she concludes her teaching commitments in Minnesota. Alison’s transition to Aaron and K.C. will wrap up in November 2022. Alison, like Gina, has committed to be of substantial assistance during any transition period and thereafter.
Moving forward
Michael, Aaron and K.C. are joining an experienced staff and dedicated Board of Trustees at an organization that has both a strong strategic outlook and solid financial standing. They are committed to Adventure Unlimited’s mission, vision and values and are dedicated to moving those forward. They will bring to bear the best they have every day so current and future generations of A/U Ranches and DiscoveryBound participants will feel the windows thrown wide open to God in all of our programming.
Please join us in supporting this transition from proven and valuable contributors to supremely qualified and energetic new leaders.
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