Hub Construction Update
By Gene Hackmann, Facilities Director
Patient persistence is the theme for the construction of the new Hub, which is moving along its loving path. Material delays and increased costs, design changes and new ideas have all surfaced, and every challenge has been patiently met with the understanding that God’s creation is already complete. It’s awe-inspiring to see the unfoldment.
Now that the foundation is done, we’re on to framing. As of December 2020, the majority of the framing, including the roof decking, had been installed. Our current work is to dry-in the structure so interior work can continue through the winter; so far this has been possible, thanks to minimal snowfall and moderate winter temperatures.
In addition to the framing, the masons have erected the chimney and begun the exterior stone work.
Watch the webcam for daily progress.
If you’d like to contribute to construction of the new Hub, you can donate here. Select the designation Capital Projects.
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