April 27, 2017

Get Involved: Work, Play, Volunteer

It’s time to get outdoors! Join us at an A/U Ranches or DiscoveryBound program, share what’s going on with the young people you know, find a job, and get in touch with other A/U-DB alumni. There are so many ways to connect with the organization and people you love.

Youth events: Spread the word
Tell your young friends about these upcoming activities (and maybe help get them there!):

  • Summer Youth Camp at the A/U Ranches, June 22 – August 7. Registration today! Learn more
  • DiscoveryBound Compass registration for the 2017-2018 school year is open for students who will be in 10th-12th grade in the fall. Learn more
  • Labor Day Weekend in San Diego with DiscoveryBound (DB) Outreach, September 1-4. Teens heading into 8th to 12th grade are welcome! Learn more

Grown-ups can have fun, too
Join our programs for adults and the whole family:

  • Service Weekend at the A/U Ranches, May 26-29. Learn more
  • Family Camp at the A/U Ranches, June 25 – July 1 and August 12-18. Learn more
  • Adult Mini Camp at the A/U Ranches, August 21-27. NEW DATES! Learn more
  • Labor Day Weekend in San Diego with DiscoveryBound Outreach, September 1-4. Join our adult participant track. Learn more
  • Save the date! Weekend retreat for Christian Scientists in their 20s/30s and their friends near Austin, TX, October 6-8. Email to learn more
  • Bible Study at the A/U Ranches, October 27-31. Kristy L. Christian explores the topic, “God – Our Great Physician.” NEW DATES! Learn more
  • Christmas Camp at the A/U Ranches, December 23-29. NEW DATES! Learn more

Your time and talent are valuable to us – we need you! Here are ways you can help:

  • Host an Adventure Unlimited or Youth Camp gathering. Email to learn more
  • Connect your local community as a DB AmbassadorLearn more
  • Spend part of your summer at the beautiful A/U Ranches as a Youth Camp bunkhouse parentLearn more
  • Start an adventure with up to 20 service-oriented teens by becoming a class leader in DiscoveryBound’s National Leadership CouncilLearn more
  • Be a chaperone at one of DB Outreach’s many teen weekends across the United States. Learn more
  • Help a dozen high school students through a year of developing their spiritual and moral direction as a DiscoveryBound Compass guideLearn more
  • Plan local activities for your CS community as a DB Outreach chapter workerLearn more

Explore our open positions
Check out these job opportunities at Adventure Unlimited:

Become an Adventure Partner
For as little as $5/month, you can help us in “Opening Windows to God” for Christian Science youth. Start your gift today

Connect with other alumni
Keep in touch with A/U Ranches and DiscoveryBound friends by being a part of the A/U-DB Alumni Facebook Group. Join the group

And that’s not all! Here are more ways to get involved.

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