Feb 11 @ 5:30 pm - Feb 12 @ 5:00 pm
Staff interviews at Principia College!
Are you interested in a fun, meaningful, rewarding summer work opportunity? Come talk to us about working at the A/U Ranches this summer! Christine Bailey, Sky Valley Camp Director, and Rusty Rohde, Round-Up Camp Director, will be hanging out at Principia College to connect and hold interviews.
Positions available for the summer: counselors, program heads, assistant camp directors, ranch hands, and support staff roles. Need an internship? We can help you plan one while working at camp! See all job postings here
Sign up for interviews with Christine or Rusty here:
- Christine (Sky Valley Ranch, 2nd-8th grade campers)
- Rusty (Round-Up Ranch, 9th-12th grade campers and family camp)
Email Christine if you have questions (or send her a text if you know her cell)