DB Outreach Weekend in San Diego Delights Adults, Teens
What’s it like to be an adult at a DiscoveryBound (DB) Outreach weekend event? “It was a wonderful and uplifting experience,” one adult participant said. “I never once felt left out of my group due to my age. People were bringing me outside of my comfort zone.”
Over Labor Day weekend, 23 adults, along with 73 teens and 15 chaperones, enjoyed a warm mini-vacation to San Diego, California filled with excursions to local attractions, time on the beach and spiritually focused discussions on the theme, “The Kingdom of God.”
“I don’t like spending much time away from my family, but this weekend was a wonderful opportunity to live in the moment,” said another adult participant. “This weekend has certainly helped me to grow.”
Beach fun for adults during the DiscoveryBound Outreach San Diego weekend
Although the audience for the DB Outreach National Annual Event historically has been teens, in recent years an adult track was added, drawing individuals from around the country to connect with like-minded adults. In addition to enjoying the social interaction, participants reported healings related to flu/cold, a canceled flight, shyness, stress, and a painful tooth.
“Over the weekend I gained a better sense of dominion, an enveloping sense of Love and support, and a lessened sense of ‘human personality,’” another adult participant noted.
The itinerary was structured to create some interaction time between adults and teens while enabling each track the opportunity to explore activities of specific interest to them. For instance, teens went to the Birch Aquarium while adults explored Balboa Park; another day, the entire group went to the San Diego Zoo and joined in a harbor cruise in the evening. Bible scholar Madelon Maupin gave a presentation to adults following a sunset trip to the beach while teens – after running around on the beach, learning to body surf and building sand castles – held peer-led discussions back at the UC San Diego residence hall, where the group was staying.
Teens in San Diego enjoy the Birch Aquarium
“I came only knowing one person and am leaving with great new friends” was the feedback from several teens during the gratitude session at the end of the weekend (adults’ sharing was held separately). Many commented on the loving atmosphere and noted it was the “best weekend ever.”
Additionally, the San Diego weekend marked the first of three retreats for 10th to 12th graders in the DiscoveryBound Compass program, and by the end of the weekend, the 2017-2018 DB Compass group was full, having added four teens who were participating in the DB Outreach weekend.
“I loved everything but if I had to pick one – it was by far the people,” one teen responded when asked about the trip highlight. “Everyone was so welcoming and kind that they made it one of the best weekends of my life.”
Did you know that about 75% of the funding for DiscoveryBound Outreach programs comes from donors? If you’d like to help support these activities, you can donate here.
Ready to be part of a loving, social atmosphere with other adult students of Christian Science? Check out our adult programs here.
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