Healing, guidance and paying it forward

I have been so fortunate that my Sunday School teacher – a father of four A/U Ranches campers – took enough interest in my spiritual and personal development that he co-sponsored my first trip as a camper to Sky Valley Ranch in 1966. In that spirit of helping others better themselves – by embracing them in a loving atmosphere that promotes personal development and confidence – my wife, Linda, and I made a 10-year pledge from my 401(k) to benefit campers at the A/U Ranches, which will continue from our estate in the event of our passing.

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NEW! Alumni Podcast: A Thousand Windows

The National Alumni Board (NAB) has launched a new podcast, A Thousand Windows, which shares interviews with members of the Adventure Unlimited alumni community about their experiences in A/U Ranches and DiscoveryBound (formerly A/U Chapter) programs.

The debut episode features Hap and Stephanie Holly, who met at the A/U Ranches in the 1970s and are now married.

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What I Brought Home from Camp: The Practice of Christian Science

I thought back to my experience as a camper and realized that time I spent at the A/U Ranches had a huge impact on my perception of Christian Science. I had realized there were so many young Christian Scientists like me who came to camp to experience what it was like to be surrounded by other like-minded people. 

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Material Beliefs of Old Age, Fear and Deterioration Denounced

Categories: Alumni Memories Tags: , ,

“What would I do if this were a camper or a staff member and we were midway up the mountain? Of course, we would pray.” At that moment, I pulled out my phone where I had downloaded the audio version of that week’s Bible Lesson. I turned the volume up, put it back in my pocket and began climbing. I listened, and with each step I began to feel the fulfillment of spiritual joy that began rushing through me. Every step became steadier. Every rock became firm.

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