Fifteen years ago I had the privilege to be a camper in the whitewater kayaking program at Round-Up Ranch. At inspiration before our first day on the river, the counselor who was the program head shared that he always strives to approach the river with “peace and joy and power.”
Read MoreAlumni Memories
Articles and memories from 2010 to the present
A Thousand Windows Podcast: Garrett Barner
In this episode of A Thousand Windows, alumnus Garrett Barner tells his story of how the A/U Ranches – which included mentors like Lachlan Clarke – helped him understand the practicality of Christian Science, and that he could do anything he set his mind to.
Read MoreMy Four Peaks Trip of 1960
With five summers of experimenting with program activities and overnight trips, Cap Andrews, I think, was looking for something new to challenge those campers who had already “done it all.” Thus came into being The Four Peaks Trip, an overnight at Kite Lake above Alma, CO, and a one-day ascent of four 14,000-foot peaks.
Read MoreHere’s My Mountaineering Memory. What’s Yours?
Photographic proof of my first peak climb was captured on a roll of Kodak 110 film taken by a camera that looked more like a block of cheese than the sleek phones in our pockets these days.
Read MoreHealing, guidance and paying it forward
I have been so fortunate that my Sunday School teacher – a father of four A/U Ranches campers – took enough interest in my spiritual and personal development that he co-sponsored my first trip as a camper to Sky Valley Ranch in 1966. In that spirit of helping others better themselves – by embracing them in a loving atmosphere that promotes personal development and confidence – my wife, Linda, and I made a 10-year pledge from my 401(k) to benefit campers at the A/U Ranches, which will continue from our estate in the event of our passing.
Read MoreBeing Fed by NLC, Ten Years Later
The hugs with huge smiles were just as numerous. The deep questions invited me to dig yet again. And of course, the weekend wasn’t complete without snowball fights. Chaperoning at the All Class Retreat (ACR) this past year felt like coming home.
Read MoreMountaineering Memories: Karin Peterson Heath
One thing I always stressed with my campers was that our ultimate goal wasn’t to get to the top of a mountain, but to enjoy the journey.
Read MoreNEW! Alumni Podcast: A Thousand Windows
The National Alumni Board (NAB) has launched a new podcast, A Thousand Windows, which shares interviews with members of the Adventure Unlimited alumni community about their experiences in A/U Ranches and DiscoveryBound (formerly A/U Chapter) programs.
The debut episode features Hap and Stephanie Holly, who met at the A/U Ranches in the 1970s and are now married.
Read MoreWhat I Brought Home from Camp: The Practice of Christian Science
I thought back to my experience as a camper and realized that time I spent at the A/U Ranches had a huge impact on my perception of Christian Science. I had realized there were so many young Christian Scientists like me who came to camp to experience what it was like to be surrounded by other like-minded people.
Read MoreMaterial Beliefs of Old Age, Fear and Deterioration Denounced
“What would I do if this were a camper or a staff member and we were midway up the mountain? Of course, we would pray.” At that moment, I pulled out my phone where I had downloaded the audio version of that week’s Bible Lesson. I turned the volume up, put it back in my pocket and began climbing. I listened, and with each step I began to feel the fulfillment of spiritual joy that began rushing through me. Every step became steadier. Every rock became firm.
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