Possibly Our Most Valuable Asset
Are you aware Adventure Unlimited hosts on average over 2,000 people each year at our Ranches in Colorado? We offer year-round programs for youth campers, adults and families at these facilities located on 1,100+ acres in the Rocky Mountains!
Sharing these resources with others is part of our mission. Since the Ranches are one of our most valuable assets, it’s important we keep them well-maintained for the safety of those we serve and out of respect for the environment in which we live.
Back in 1955 Adventure Unlimited started as a summer camp for youth. Today we’re proud to provide programming for kids of all ages! Expanding our outreach has allowed us to meet the growing interests of A/U’s constituents, yet it has substantially increased the demands on our facilities as well, including water and septic systems. Many parts of our infrastructure include “original equipment” installed over 50 years ago.
The cost to replace and upgrade the water, septic and waste disposal systems for both Sky Valley and Round-Up will total approximately $440,000. You can see from the pictures below we continue to minimize expenses by completing most of these upgrades ourselves (that’s James Orlet, A/U Ranch Foreman).
Although this may not be A/U’s most attractive or visible project it is one of our most essential! In order to cover the replacement of the septic system we need to raise $150,000. Since the replacement of the water system involves excavation under 47 buildings on the Ranches property, this will be at an additional cost of $200,000 over two years. To date we have successfully raised $90,000 toward these projects.
Throughout Adventure Unlimited’s history, thanks to the generosity of our donors, we have been able to meet both the operational and capital demands of providing life changing programs for Christian Scientists, their families and friends. We are grateful for your financial contributions which will make it possible for us to offer such meaningful experiences for generations to come.
For convenient online giving in support of our Capital Projects, Youth Programs or Endowment Funds, click here:
Contributions can also be sent to:
Adventure Unlimited
5201 S Quebec St
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Thank you for your ongoing support!
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