Calling All Alumni: Share Your Stories & Memories
Adventure Unlimited is nearing its 60th anniversary. In anticipation of this milestone, we would love to hear your stories about Adventure Unlimited and DiscoveryBound and publish them in future issues of Zipline.
We need your help! You are the history of Adventure Unlimited and we want to collect your stories and memories. Specifically, the following information would be helpful:
- The years you attended Adventure Unlimited and/or DiscoveryBound
- A brief account of your experience at camp or at a DiscoveryBound event
- Anecdotes about fellow participants or yourself
- Memories about staff
- Information about Adventure Unlimited/DiscoveryBound relationships that you have maintained over time
- Any other information you care to share
We would also like to know what you’re up to now! Keep us updated on your life experiences.
Please send your stories and comments directly to Zipline via email: [email protected]
We look forward to hearing from you
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