December 1, 2014

Bridges to the Future Campaign: Why Now?


Take a moment to think back to your experiences as a camper, staff member, volunteer, DiscoveryBound participant or any other way in which you’ve been involved with Adventure Unlimited. It’s likely you’ll remember some key moment that helped you discover your capacity to put Christian Science into practice and make real connections with others.

Like you, the thousands of participants this organization serves each year are the next generation of Christian Scientists. To ensure a continuously rising level of service to this important group, Adventure Unlimited has embarked on an exciting and far-reaching Campaign that will allow us to enhance programs, strengthen infrastructure and build bridges to a secure future while continuing to support tomorrow’s leaders. The Bridges to the Future Campaign, which has a goal of $16.5 million, will bless not just our operations and programs, but the entire field of receptive and active Christian Scientists and their children.

Adventure Unlimited has embarked on an exciting and far-reaching Campaign that will allow us to enhance programs, strengthen infrastructure and build bridges to a secure future while continuing to support tomorrow’s leaders.

Questions? Below are some answers about the Campaign:

What will you do with $16.5 million?
No doubt this sounds like a lot of money. But did you know…

  • 14-ValerieLodge-ColorRendering-webCritical upgrades are needed at the A/U Ranches to expand Valerie Lodge, replace the Hub building, improve water and septic systems, increase staff housing and address several other key priorities.
  • In addition to serving those under age 18, Adventure Unlimited is responding to the needs of young adults (18-35) by expanding its local programming with this demographic through DiscoveryBound, and, through 100 Elk, by developing a new program that identifies gap-year volunteer opportunities for individuals wishing to gain additional life skills before enrolling at a university or entering the workforce.
  • Maintenance on the Headquarters building in Greenwood Village has been deferred for more than 15 years, including key safety issues such as the replacement of a deteriorating front entryway, a pothole-filled parking lot, loose siding and pockmarked stucco.
  • $7.1 million has already been raised, allowing work to go forward at the Ranches on a new yurt campus, a beautiful new deck for Chuckwagon, replacement of beds and all new mattresses, the winterizing of Wyly Lodge, and—back at Headquarters—the redesign of Adventure Unlimited and DiscoveryBound websites (stay tuned for this last exciting change!).
  • By doubling the endowment from $5 million to $10 million, annual fundraising needs decrease by 10%, freeing up valuable resources for programming.
  • Adventure Unlimited – DiscoveryBound served nearly 5,000 individuals through its programming in 2013, has no long-term debt and has kept expenses under budget for eight consecutive years.
  • Your gift, made between September 1, 2014, and December 31, 2015, will be doubled thanks to a generous $2 million Matching Challenge Grant pledged by Wendy and Hank Paulson, and their children.
  • Most importantly, this Campaign will allow Adventure Unlimited to further the goal envisioned by John “Cap” and Marianne Andrews to provide adventure-based programs focused on “Opening Windows to God”—and that will produce tomorrow’s leaders.

If I make a gift to the Campaign, is that the same as giving to Adventure Unlimited’s Annual Fund?

We encourage you to consider these as separate gifts. The Annual Fund supports roughly one half of Adventure Unlimited’s operating expenses, and we could not continue to provide life-changing programs for Christian Science youth without those yearly contributions. A donation to the Campaign is a long-term investment in the future of Adventure Unlimited and those we serve.

Why is it important to increase support for Adventure Unlimited’s capital projects, programs and four endowment funds?

This organization serves the next generation of Christian Scientists in life-changing ways. You can read about some of them here, and be sure to take 10 minutes to watch this video. You’ll be glad you did.

Wow—that was amazing! OK, I’m ready to help the next generation of Christian Scientists. What can I do?
Thank you! We are grateful for each donor and appreciate every gift and pledge. Together we’re making a difference.

Here are three simple ways to make your gift:

  • Visit to donate using a credit card.
  • Mail your contribution to:
    Adventure Unlimited – DiscoveryBound
    5201 South Quebec Street
    Greenwood Village, CO 80111
    (Please note “Bridges to the Future” on your check)
  • Contact Rich Clarke at 888.416.7348 x101 or [email protected]. (If you’d like to give but require some time to gather funds, we are happy to accept written pledges for up to a five-year period. For a pledge form or for more information on how to make or direct a gift to the Campaign, please contact Rich.)
Learn more about the projects targeted for Campaign support at
 Adventure Unlimited – DiscoveryBound is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. A/U-DB Foundation is the fundraising arm of Adventure Unlimited.

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