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Registration for all Youth, Adult and Family programs is online. Click on the links below and complete the forms.
Register for Youth Camp

Register for Adult Programs

Register for Adult & Family Programs

Financial assistance is available for children who would not be able to attend camp without support. One Campership application needs to be completed per family. Campership applications are not considered until Youth Camp registration has been completed and the $200 deposit has been received.

After you have registered your child(ren) for camp, please go into your CampInTouch account and complete the Campership Application.

Your CampInTouch Account

At this time, Camperships are only available for Youth Campers. However, if you need financial assistance, you should explore possible grant opportunities through your local DiscoveryBound Chapter or branch church.
If you intend to use the A/U Ranches’ shuttle service from an airport:

Youth, Adult and All Ages Programs – book flights to arrive into Denver International Airport (DIA) between 8:00 am and NOON on arrival day. For departure, book flights to leave after 12:30 pm. For youth campers, please depart between 12:30 and 4:00 pm. With the travel time and security clearances required, the regularly scheduled A/U shuttle service is not able to accommodate flights scheduled earlier. International campers or participants who aren’t able to find flight schedules during the above-mentioned times should contact the Enrollment Coordinator about making arrangements to spend the night in Denver.

Christmas Camp – book flights to arrive into Denver International Airport (DIA) by NOON. For departure, book your flight to depart after 1:00 pm. With the travel time and security clearances required, the regularly scheduled A/U shuttle service is not able to make flights scheduled earlier.

The A/U Ranches is a special place to experience the true spirit of the holidays. Come share in a uniquely traditional Christmas surrounded by the company of other Christian Scientists, family and friends. More…
For the most current list of local lodging options, as well as a calendar of area events, we encourage you to visit the Buena Vista Chamber of Commerce website.

Buena Vista Chamber of Commerce

A/U Ranches
18325 County Road #366
P.O. Box 2036
Buena Vista, CO 81211-2036
The Medical Exemption is not a waiver for medical treatment, should some form of care be needed while at camp. Instead it is a waiver indicating your child is not required to have a full physical exam and immunizations prior to attending camp – an assertion that your child is in good health before entering a community setting. Should a need for care arise during a youth program, while we immediately treat every situation through prayer and obtain care from a resident Christian Science Nurse, we would immediately call you to find out what course of continuing care you’d prefer for your child, and then we follow the parent’s request.
The A/U Ranches address is:

A/U Ranches
18325 County Road 366
P.O. Box 2036
Buena Vista, CO 81211-2036

Turn-by-turn navigation instructions from the Denver International Airport are provided here:

Travel Directions

DiscoveryBound is current program name for our Field Program. John “Cap” and Marianne Andrews, the founders of Adventure Unlimited, started a local chapter-based “Field Program” in 1965 to help reinforce, on a year-round basis, the inspiration and fellowship families were experiencing at Christian Science camps during the summer.

DiscoveryBound Website

Community Atmosphere
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these. – Mark 12:30,31

At Adventure Unlimited, we strive to create a loving and inclusive healing atmosphere, grounded in Christian Science principles, that is respectful of each individual.  It is each community member’s responsibility to strive for elevated thought, speech and action while upholding and supporting others through the expression of divine Love.

Code of Conduct
As an organization that serves the broader Christian Science community, Adventure Unlimited (inclusive of the A/U Ranches and DiscoveryBound) expects its community members to strive to follow a code of conduct that supports an environment focused on spiritual growth and healing. The following outlines a code of conduct to observe during a program:

  1. I will strive to be spiritually centered.
  2. I will strive to support and uphold others in the spirit of the Golden Rule (Matt. 7:12).
  3. I will be free from the use or possession of tobacco, vape pens, marijuana, alcohol and illegal drugs.
  4. I will refrain from sharing explicit pictures, materials and stories, as well as excessive public displays of affection and sexual activity outside of marriage.
  5. I will not use offensive language.
  6. I will not intimidate, harass or foster an unsafe environment through any physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse.
  7. I will not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, political opinion, economic status, social group or ethnic origin.

I understand, if I should violate the trust inherent in this Code of Conduct, I will be held accountable for my choices and actions.

[For youth programs]If suspended or dismissed from a program, such would be without refund or reduction of program fee. Any needed travel arrangements will be made by the parent(s).

Community Atmosphere
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these. – Mark 12:30,31

At Adventure Unlimited, we strive to create a loving and inclusive healing atmosphere, grounded in Christian Science principles, that is respectful of each individual.  It is each community member’s responsibility to strive for elevated thought, speech and action while upholding and supporting others through the expression of divine Love.

Code of Conduct
As an organization that serves the broader Christian Science community, Adventure Unlimited (inclusive of the A/U Ranches and DiscoveryBound) expects its community members to strive to follow a code of conduct that supports an environment focused on spiritual growth and healing. The following outlines a code of conduct to observe while preparing for and during program:

  1. I am an active student of Christian Science. I will strive daily to live in accordance with its teachings, to demonstrate its principles and to be metaphysically prepared.
  2. I will strive to support and uphold others in the spirit of the Golden Rule (Matt. 7:12).
  3. I will be free from the use or possession of tobacco, vape pens, marijuana, alcohol and illegal drugs.
  4. I will refrain from sharing explicit pictures, materials and stories, as well as excessive public displays of affection and sexual activity outside of marriage.
  5. I will not use offensive language.
  6. I will not intimidate, harass or foster an unsafe environment through any physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse.
  7. I will not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, political opinion, economic status, social group or ethnic origin.

I understand, if I should violate the trust inherent in this Code of Conduct, I will be held accountable for my choices and actions.

Our staff and board of trustees think and pray about this question on an ongoing basis. The link below will take you to an in-depth response to questions raised by stakeholders.

Reaffirming Our Mission & Community Standards

Training school usually starts the 2nd week of June. All staff, except for Counselors-in-Training (CITs), should plan to arrive that day. CITs arrival day is earlier on June 8th, as they take part in additional training. Staff departure day is two days after Youth Camp’s final session ends, or if staff choose to stay and support Family Camp, it is two days after that program ends, depending on contractual agreements.
The Counselor-In-Training (CIT) program is designed for 17 & 18 year olds who want to train to be Youth Program Counselors. It offers them an opportunity to learn and grow their skills in a chosen activity area while gaining valuable leadership experience by living with campers and supporting a cabin. More…