An Update on Adventure Unlimited’s Programs in 2021
By Gina Lindquist-Bailey, Executive Director
The past several months have been a time of active listening for Adventure Unlimited as we began returning to in-person programming. There were many questions and variables to consider in the spring as we determined the right steps for DiscoveryBound and A/U Ranches activities. Although challenging, it was a wonderful opportunity to dig into this year’s metaphysical theme from Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy:
Love is impartial and universal in its adaptation and bestowals. It is the open fount which cries, “Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters.”
While the news was full of messages of fear, limitation and uncertainty, we chose to counter them with divine Love – the love of our Father-Mother God that knows no bounds and is available to all. And we doubled down on our organizational mission to help all individuals open windows to God and feel loved and valued by our community.
Moving forward with a greater sense of Love, we put aside limited thinking and expanded what we offered, and how we offered it. To continue to meet the needs of today, new virtual programs were added while in-person programs were brought back in modified formats to ensure they ran safely in accordance with local mandates while retaining their fundamental qualities.
The A/U Ranches successfully returned to in-person programs this summer through strong metaphysical preparation and reliance, as well as practical steps that included modified formats and cohorting groups. Any challenges were quickly and fully met. Our youth campers enjoyed returning to friends and adventure, Mini Camp and Family Camp participants noted the depth and substance of those programs, and 100 Elk staff brought their engaging activities to school groups in addition to running two weeks of summer day camp for local kids.
DiscoveryBound (DB) Outreach expanded their offering of popular virtual events, including inspiring talks, art classes and game nights, and also returned to in-person events – most notably the National Annual event reimagined as three one-day events plus an online talk. The DB National Leadership Council converted their summer service trips from international to domestic programs and provided much needed assistance to communities in the United States. And DB Compass culminated one group this spring and launched a new group this fall, both with valuable in-person retreats.
With so much good planned for the year, but travel restricted, this spring our Foundation held its first virtual fundraiser, Celebrate Discovery & Adventure, to tremendous success, thanks to many incredible donors and generous matching gifts. Thank you to those who participated and supported that event.
We are so grateful for your prayerful and practical support of Adventure Unlimited. This year of blessings and growth would not have been possible without it. We look forward to living “Love’s divine adventure” (The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 158) in the months to come with both in-person and virtual programs, and to seeing you at a future Adventure Unlimited event, in whatever form.
Check out all the offerings on our websites – A/U Ranches and DiscoveryBound.
If you have any questions about Adventure Unlimited programs or policies, please email us at [email protected].
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