
Welcome home! You know more than any what a special organization Adventure Unlimited is for all our participants, but did you know you're key to creating it? You’re an irreplaceable part of our story, and we hope to continue to be part of yours! Regardless of your current faith practice, we invite you to stay connected with all your friends at Adventure Unlimited.

Who are Adventure Unlimited Alumni?

Glad you asked! Alumni are 18 or older and currently or formerly involved with Adventure Unlimited in one of these ways:

  • A/U Ranches staff, participants, and volunteers (including bunkhouse parents)
  • DiscoveryBound (formerly A/U Field Program) staff, participants, and volunteers (including church contacts, chapter workers, chaperones, and facilitators)
  • All other Adventure Unlimited staff
  • Trustees

Follow our Zipline blog, participate in adult programs designed just for you, come to reunions, or consider volunteering at the A/U Ranches and for DiscoveryBound. However you choose to stay connected, we look forward to continuing our relationship with you. Welcome home!

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Ways to Stay Connected

Keep in Touch

As an Adventure Unlimited alum, you are an important partner in the organization we are today. We want you to know all the ways you can stay connected with your Adventure Unlimited community!

You may be drawn to participate in an A/U Ranches or DiscoveryBound program, give back by volunteering, or pay the good forward by donating. However you choose, we're grateful for you! 

Event Calendar



Zipline Alumni News

Zipline, the voice of A/U Ranches and DiscoveryBound alumni, helps you stay in touch with your Adventure Unlimited family! Check out capital projects, find out what your fellow alumni are up to in the world, and explore new ways to give and get involved.


Share Your Story

Stories transform how we think and move us to act. Did you have an experience at the A/U Ranches or in a DiscoveryBound (formerly A/U Chapter) that changed your perspective, formed a lifelong friendship, or led to a healing? We would love to know about it! Send it to us through the simple form at the link below, and we may share it on our Zipline alumni blog.

Share Your Story


Reunions celebrate the friends, memories, and treasured experiences that have helped shape who we are today. They offer inspiration, reflection, and a happy opportunity to reconnect and reminisce with friends from the A/U Ranches and DiscoveryBound. No matter how long you’ve been away or what your practicing faith, you’ll always be a member of our family, and we want to welcome you home!

Create your own reunion

Adult Mini Camp at the A/U Ranches is a great way to reconnect with friends from camp and DiscoveryBound. Email [email protected] with your ideas to start planning your own mini reunion – we’ll help you get the word out!