September 9, 2012

Alumni News!

Alumni Updates:
Doug & Ann Brown

As some of you may know, Doug and Ann Brown, along with their children, Chandler and Henry Wyatt, lived in Loreto, a small town in Baja, Mexico from 2007 – 2011. The children attended the local school and learned Spanish while Doug and Ann started a small home maintenance business. Part of their time in Mexico included living aboard a Cal 35 sailboat and sailing throughout the Sea of Cortez as well as along the Pacific coast of mainland Mexico. Last fall they said “yes” when friends asked them to house-sit their home near South Lake Tahoe which offered the family the opportunity to care for eight chickens, a farmhouse, and apple orchard. Doug and Henry Wyatt used the barn space to build an either foot sailboat which they now sail on Lake Sabrina in the eastern Sierra Mountains. What are they doing there? Why camp hosting of course! Doug and Ann oversee 30 campsites where the whole family welcomes campers (and cleans up after them!?!) at Sabrina Campground, at 9,000 feet altitude and 30 minutes SW of Bishop, CA. They welcome a visit from you anytime! Check out their blog for pics and more details:

Tom Pyle

Tom Pyle – Day Job: working on sustainable pavement options for California roadways. On the side: went to Haiti a couple months ago and worked to build a school and eye clinic. After we came back we decided we wanted to do something more. A big problem with supporting Haiti is they simply do not have building resources for construction. So we have been collecting irrigation pipe, shovels, seed, etc. Food will be sold to raise money to send about 150 children to school and teach sustainable living skills to adults. We’ll also plan to take over 50 solar ovens.
Would enjoy hearing from you: [email protected].

Karin (Peterson) & Jon Heath

Karin & Jon Heath Karin & Jon Heath have been Camp Directors at Camp Bow-Isle on Bowen Island, British Columbia, since 1995, after their last year at the A/U Ranches. They have three Canadian-born children, one of whom is part of the DiscoveryBound National Leadership Council’s J class. They love living on their “treasured island” in southwestern Canada with their children and a multitude of pets. Feel free to get in touch with them:

Camp Bow-Isle
871 Green Road
Bowen Island, BC   V0N 1G2
(604) 947-2500
[email protected]

Katie Falkenberg

Katie Falkenberg is a freelance photojournalist and multimedia story teller based in Los Angeles, CA, on contract with the Los Angeles Times. Feel free to visit her website to catch up on everything else she’s been involved with:

Nate Jones

Nate Jones is currently the Freedom of Information Act Coordinator for the National Security Archive. He acts as liaison between Archive analysts and government FOIA officers. He earned his MA in Cold War History from The George Washington University. He will be spending two months in Russia this fall doing research for this organization.



Katie Wallingford married David Price

Lydia Perez-Carpenter married Jeremy Feldman

Ariana Herlinger married Nathan Bowen


And the baby!

Sarah (Neale) Rand and Spencer Rand welcome Clara

Emily (Palm) Mulica and Matthew Mulica welcome Brooks

Laura (Hill) Lochen and John Lochen welcome Matthew


In Loving Memory

Updates we have received of late from family and friends…

Hymn 350

Though we pass through tribulation,
All will be well;

Ours is such a full salvation,
All must be well;

Happy still, in God confiding,
Fruitful, when in Christ abiding,

Holy, through the Spirit’s guiding;
All, all is well.


Clifford Hall of Prescott, AZ

Jack Wear of Santa Rosa, CA

Florence Carr, Williamsburg, VA – Supporter since 1975; Summit Society Member

B.K. Phelps, Aurora, CO

Robert Tack, Los Gatos, CA – A/U Ranch Director 1969; supporter since 1974

Rushworth Kidder of Lincolnville, ME – Founder of the Institute of Global Ethics; elements of the IGE curriculum is used in the National Leadership Council program

Jean Macchi, Oklahoma City, OK

Judith Benson, Los Angeles, CA – Staff 2005; NLC Mentor 2007-2011

Bud Trippet, Rogue River, OR – National Alumni Board 1998-1999

Richard Kelley, Hemet, CA – A/U Chapter Worker since 1967; supporter since 1975

Sharon Spingola, Greenwood Village, CO – Staff 2008-2009


To memorialize or honor any of these friends of Adventure Unlimited and DiscoveryBound, you are welcome to give online to Adventure Unlimited and DiscoveryBound. At the end of the online form, please fill in “Tribute Information”.



Please send your Alumni News to Zipline via email: [email protected].


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