December 1, 2014

New Curriculum for National Leadership Council Classes

By Jennifer Dale
DiscoveryBound National Leadership Council Director


In February, the 2014 National Leadership Council (NLC) All Class Retreat (ACR) held at the A/U Ranches included a series of firsts: two graduating classes, a new home in renovated Wyly Lodge and the launch of fresh curriculum. The A/U Ranches hosted more than 330 guests, which included all 10 classes, parents of graduating seniors, mentors and many staff and volunteers.

It was a packed event, as always, with the introduction of our two newest 2018 classes, peer-led discussions, cross-class sharing and a talk by Heather Vogel-Frederick, co-author of a new teen biography of Mary Baker Eddy, A World More Bright, which launched new curriculum for the sophomore classes.

Additional new curriculum included elements for each class:

  • Bible educator Madelon Maupin launched an interactive Bible timeline that provided the 2017 freshman classes with context for further spiritual study.
  • Retired high school counselor Marianne Scott explored with the 2016 sophomore classes a trusting, healthy approach to the upcoming college application process.
  • The 2015 junior classes worked with Kevin Capp on public speaking as he facilitated feedback to their speeches and analyzed leadership practices in the context of Henry Drummond’s The Greatest Thing in the World, which they covered during their service trip the previous summer.

The 2014 classes celebrated a beautiful joint graduation ceremony, honoring classmates Courtney Hayes and Crystal Shepherd with the Monitor Passport Prize and Tia Goebel and Isabel Jamerson with the peer-nominated Kevin Watters Award for Spiritual Integrity.

Students Serving

All NLC students work to achieve levels of the nationally acclaimed Congressional Award through community service and personal spiritual growth. Currently, 118 participants have earned various levels of the award, including 12 Gold, 30 Silver and 76 Bronze Medals. To date, NLC students have participated in approximately 30,000 hours of local community service and have had 110 articles published in CSPS publications.

The Results

In a recent survey asking the NLC students in what ways this program has made a difference in their lives, here are some of the most significant responses:

  • 79% say they are a stronger student of Christian Science
  • 69% say they have a desire to make a difference in the world
  • 86% say they are a more confident leader
  • 66% say they are a more confident public speaker

NLC Skills Put to Work

Four NLC alumnae interviewed during the ACR shared their experiences in the program, what they gained from it and what they continue to use. We hope you enjoy their inspiring perspective!

If you would like to support the National Leadership Council and its multi-year program dedicated to fostering spiritual growth, leadership qualities and a service approach to life, you can make your gift by selecting DiscoveryBound National Leadership Council Fund from the Designation menu in this online form. You can also email or call us at 303.779.3000 ext. 107.

Thank you for your support!

Adventure Unlimited – DiscoveryBound is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. A/U-DB Foundation is the fundraising arm of Adventure Unlimited.

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