September 10, 2012

A Chat with Virginia Early – DB Participant

Those who attend DiscoveryBound (DB) events are always telling us how DB made a lasting impact on their lives (also see Frankie Hodges interview). Recently we were able to catch up with Virginia Early.

Virginia Early

Zipline: Hi Virginia. Thank you for making time for us today.

Virginia: Of course!

Zipline: How are things in your neck of the woods?

Virginia: Pretty good; in the final week of my internship so everything is pretty busy.

Zipline: Tell us about your internship.

Virginia: I’m currently interning for the Governor of Maryland doing policy research and analysis. Part of the internship is a policy paper which is presented to the governor at the end of the internship [which will be posted online].  My group is aiming to keep more kids out of youth detention facilities.

Zipline: Wonderful. We look forward to seeing it when it’s posted. Tell us a little about your history with DiscoveryBound.

Virginia: I attended over ten DiscoveryBound national and international events in high school, and have now chaperoned one.

Zipline: That’s great. What were some of your favorite events?

Virginia: Oh gosh; I loved all of them because of their embracing and supportive atmosphere. It is always so inspiring to be around such cool participants and chaperones!

That being said, going to Australia was definitely a highlight because the group was small and we really got to know each other over the two week period.

I also really enjoyed the Focus on Sports and the Focus on the Environment.  With all the events, it’s really just a matter of the sheer love and inspiration that comes over you when you are there, and pushes you to live your life differently (and better) at home. DiscoveryBound really does a good job of seeing and supporting the good in everyone, and then asking them to go home and express that in their community. It’s really beautiful!

Zipline: So how did DB affect you growing up?

Virginia: I think the biggest impact DiscoveryBound had on me growing up was through the chaperones. They are all so cool and were a source of total inspiration for me. Seeing and hanging out with fellow Christian Scientists who are living Christian Science in a dynamic, tangible, open and honest way is very exciting. Being in this environment in high school had a big impact on me and how I live my life.

As Mrs. Eddy says, “form perfect models in thought”. I think being around DB chaperones and participants definitely helped in that regard.

Zipline: That’s beautifully said. So now you’re giving back by chaperoning… How is chaperoning different from being a participant?

Virginia: Good question. It doesn’t feel that different, because as a chaperone you are in the same loving, fun, and supportive environment that the kids are. The only difference is that you are contributing to that environment a little more consciously. All the logistics fall into place when you keep this in mind.

Zipline: From a participant and chaperone standpoint, why is it important that people support DiscoveryBound?

Virginia: Speaking from a personal standpoint, I know that I could not have made it to the events without the large amount of financial aid I received. And the impact on my life is tremendous. DiscoveryBound is just one of those communities that it is worth giving to, time and time again!

Zipline: I appreciate you sharing your time with us today… is there anything you would like to say to A/U and DiscoveryBound’s alumni and supporters?

Virginia: Get involved and stay involved! You’ll be amazed where DiscoveryBound takes you and how it prepares you to engage in a meaningful way with your community!



To support DiscoveryBound’s purpose of providing inspiring recreational, leadership, and service activities on local, regional, national, and international levels; creating an atmosphere where individuals experience Christian Science in action, please visit our website, contact us by email or call 303.779.3000 ext. 107.


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