April 1, 2015

60th Reunion: Share Your Photos

If you have prints or digital images of your days at the Ranches, in A/U field (pre-2001) and DiscoveryBound (2001 and after) activities, or in your National Leadership Council program, we want to see them! These photos may be used at the 60th Reunion, to promote the event or shared through Adventure Unlimited’s social media.

Here’s how to share them:

  1. We need digital images, so please scan any prints you’d like to share. Both color and black and white are great. Some basic guidelines:
    a. When scanning B&W photos, be sure to choose “Black & White” or “Grayscale” so your photo file isn’t unnecessarily large.
    b. Set your resolution at 300 dpi; you can also select “highest resolution” or “maximum image quality”
    c. Image size: 5×7 inches minimum
    d. File size: 300 KB minimum; 1.5 MB maximum
    e. IMPORTANT: Please follow this naming convention so we know the date and subject of the photo: YYYY_Program_Description_Names.jpg (for instance, 1992_YouthCamp_Rafting_JohnSmith_JaneDoe.jpg – names should be listed left to right, front row to back). For Program, please use these terms:
    AdFamCamp (for Adult/Family Camp)
    Chapter (for any of the field/DiscoveryBound programs)
  2. Once your files are named and ready to upload, use these links to drop your images into the appropriate folder:
    AU Decade 1 (1955-1964)
    AU Decade 2 (1965-1974)
    AU Decade 3 (1975-1984)
    AU Decade 4 (1985-1994)
    AU Decade 5 (1995-2004)
    AU Decade 6 (2005-2014)
    DB Outreach (all)
    DB NLC (all)
  3. Please send an email to [email protected] letting us know which images you uploaded in case we have any questions about them.

We will be accepting images for use at the 60th Reunion through June 1, 2015, but would love to have your images by April 15 so they might be included in reunion displays.

Thank you! We can’t wait to see you at the 60th.


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