Opening Windows to God
For over 60 years, Adventure Unlimited has provided enriching activities for thousands of Christian Science young people and their families
The practical and effective application of Christian Science is as much a part of our mission today as it was under Cap and Marianne Andrews’ leadership more than 60 years ago. Whether it’s at the A/U Ranches and its 100 Elk Outdoor Center or in DiscoveryBound’s Outreach, National Leadership Council or Compass programs, we seek to provide recreational adventure, leadership, service, education and community activities that foster spiritual growth and healing in an environment where Christian Science is lived. Adventure Unlimited is an inclusive organization serving the broader Christian Science community, and in that spirit, our programs serve each individual as a child of God and support his or her spiritual growth and healing.
A/U Ranches
Register Now
Sign up today for our upcoming Youth, Adult and Family programs. Make plans to join us, and check out our photo galleries to see all the fun!
Our Experiences
Adventure Unlimited’s programs touch the lives of youth, adults and families
We offer a range of experiences including leadership opportunities for youth and year-round events for teens. Adventure Unlimited can help you expand and grow your practice of Christian Science. Discover all we have to offer, and take part in an experience you won’t forget!
Youth Camp
Summer at the A/U Ranches
Our experiences inspire and change lives. At the A/U Ranches you’ll find a Christian Science atmosphere of learning and support and staff dedicated to helping you see the role God plays in your life. It’s fun, friends and a spiritual foundation! Learn More
Bridges to the Future
Building Community | Serving Mankind
With immense gratitude to the 976 donors and many others who supported this effort, we are delighted to report that we exceeded our $16.5 million Bridges to the Future Campaign goal! $16,894,896 was donated to fund program expansion, capital projects, capacity building and endowments.